• Premium Deboned Milkfish
  • Econ-Box Deboned

Deboned whole milkfish (M)

Regular price
RM 31.50
Sale price
RM 31.50
Regular price
RM 32.00
Worldwide shipping | Chanos Fisher
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Secure payments | Chanos Fisher
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Fast Delivery | Chanos Fisher
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One carton contains 10 packs of deboned milkfish. Ready-to-cook for your convenience.
Satu kotak mempunyai 10 pek ikan susu (telah dibuang tulang). Sedia untuk dimasak. 每箱含有10包去骨奶宝鱼。方便立即煮食。

Gross weight: ± 600g /pack (for 2-4 pax)

Store in the freezer (-18°C) for up to 3–6 months. Best consumed within 7 days.
Boleh disimpan dalam peti sejuk beku (-18°C) selama 3–6 bulan. Paling baik dimakan dalam tempoh 7 hari. 可储藏于冷冻柜(-18°C)长达 3–6个月。最佳赏味期 7 天